Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Halloween Karaoke at Gabe's

Bring back the 90's!  We always celebrate Halloween at Gabe's with costumes and fun, at least my friends and I do.  This year's theme was 90's musician's and artists, and in all actuality, we welcome anyone coming in costume to the bar, especially when we're still a couple days away from Halloween!

I decided to go as Paula Abdul who broke out in the late 80's and early 90's.  'Forever Your Girl' was my personal theme, tights, pumps, leather jacket, and crop top.  I was actually pretty proud of my look and just slightly changed it up for a couple of the songs that I did.  Jamie had come as Alanis Morisette doing her 'Ironic' hairstyle and 90's flair.  Rachel came as Lady Gaga, and she served a healthy dose of her Poker Face in that amazing costume!  Neil had dressed as Billy Corgan, channeling his 'Zero' days and then swapped to 2Pac but might have been mistaken for Sir Ben Kingsley or Edward Norton in "American History X."  We also had a couple other costumes, Steve Jobs, Charlize Theron's character from "Mad Max," and then got some people into the theme of singing some great 90's music.
Costumes for Halloween Karaoke at Gabe's!
My songs for the night were 'Opposites Attract,' 'Cold-Hearted Snake,' 'Straight Up,' and my new song was 'Rush, Rush.'  It was nice that everyone knew all her songs and got my Paula vibe.  Neil stuck to the Smashing Pumpkins doing some of their hits including 'Everasting Gaze' which I had never heard before but yet again, another great Pumpkins rock song.  Jamie and Rachel both sang in their artists book but then stepped out and did some other songs as well.

Overall, it ended up being a pretty busy Wednesday night, and I think we all got more excited that Halloween was just a couple days away.  It was a great beginning to the Halloween festivities and got us in the mood for the party we all were going to that weekend!  I hope everyone else had a really fun Halloween as well and I apologize for the late post :)

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