Thursday, March 28, 2013

St. Patrick's Day at Irish Times!

The week of St. Patrick's Day was crazy for me as I was at all my jobs multiple times during the week and keeping so busy!  Hopefully, everyone had been prepping for the St. Patrick's Day festivities that were going to be happening at Irish Times and throughout LA, because I heard there were big parties with wristbands to get in, covers at the Irish bars, and Green Beer just about everywhere!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I went into work at Irish Times bright and early at 9 am and was working the early shift until 5 pm.  I was so glad to have that shift even though I was working on just a couple hours of sleep since I had Bartended at Bar Lubitsch the previous night until the wee hours of the morning.  Matty and I shared a traditional Irish Breakfast of eggs, toast, black and white pudding, ham, and all the fixings.  Since it was the early shift it was a little quieter and calmer than it would be 5 hours from now.  Last year I had to work from noon until close (which by the time we got out of the bar was 4 am) so the early shift was just fine with me.  Plus, it was a Saint's & Sinner's reunion with Ian, Matt, and Bulos all working throughout the day!  I didn't realize how many people really love to be drinking Guinness and Car Bombs but it's the norm for the Irish Holiday.
As the day went by it got busier and busier and more Bartenders and Barbacks showed up and at one point there were 8 or 9 of us behind the bar.  Thankfully, that didn't last long and I was able to finish up with my shift and head out with some Corned Beef & Cabbage and Fish & Chips before the madness really hit.  A woman stopped by and was giving Glitter Tattoos, there was Live Irish Music, even a Bagpiper at one point, plenty of Food, Guinness, and Jameson to go around.  We had a tent outside for the overflow where we had some beers on tap in addition to bottles of Bud Light and Heineken. 
Your Irish Bartenders...yes, I'm Irish :)
Irish Times is certainly one of the places to be on St. Patrick's Day and I'm glad that I've been able to spend the day working with some of my favorite people!  Now, if only we could finish up that Power Hour at some point...

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