Saturday, June 25, 2016

Rutherford B new Puppy!

I had been waiting for this moment my whole life...I became a Mom to this little nugget just a few weeks ago.  I met him when he was five weeks old and while I wasn't sure if he wanted me to be his Mom at first, he proved it by the time I left an hour later, that he was mine, and I was his.
The day I met Rutherford <3

The name Rutherford, sounded so cute to me but I also remembered there was a President, Rutherford B Hayes, and I needed to make sure he was cool enough so that my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy could take on his name and wear it with pride.  RBH was the 19th President (I was born on the 19th), from Ohio, and he brought moderate social reform, was loyal and honest.  In fact, he fought in the Civil War and refused to leave his fellow man behind.  That decided it!  Trust me, I had a list of 30 different names but Rutherford was always the one that stuck out and my little nugget answers to it, seems to enjoy it, and in fact, when he was laying in my lap at five weeks old, I had said a couple things to him, and he only turned and looked at me when I called him Rutherford.  I guess he actually chose his own name; it's just so regal and fitting for him!
Nicole & Rutherford :)

I brought Rutherford (Rutherford Be-Have) home on the 31st of May and thankfully my cousin, Nicole, was with me, because she became the best personal assistant I could have asked for!  RBH was on his best behavior the first couple of days, exploring the apartment, not wandering too far from me, and sleeping peacefully.  I only had to wake up one time in the middle of the night (each night) to take him out (mind you, I do keep late hours so I'm not going to bed until 2 or 3 and wake up between 9 and 10).  We had no accidents until a few days in; then he got more wild and rambunctious and found out that his cute little face could make me melt.  How could I ever be mad or upset when he looked at me with his beautiful eyes and happy little mischievous smile!

There's no true comparison when it comes to raising children and having a dog but it does feel similar at times.  The constant supervision, the fact that Rutherford has completely taken over my life and attention, and me getting any work done takes five times as long, and certain things just get pushed to the wayside and are no longer a priority because he has taken over.  I knew he'd be expensive and time-consuming and he is, we'll just leave it at that.  But when he sleeps on my foot as I'm getting ready in the morning, or snuggles next to me to take a nap, or puts his head on my shoulder when I'm sitting on the floor and he's up on the couch, or follows a command I give him, there is no better feeling in the world than knowing he loves his Mommy, and I sure as heck love him more than I thought was imaginable.
Taking my happy boy to his forever home with me!
So here's to my little boy, Rutherford B (short for Bubba, one of my Mom's nicknames) Hayes, thanks for making me a Mom...I hope I'm making my own Mom proud <3

*You can find me on Instagram atLyndsey on Insta or Rutherford's Instagram: Rutherford B Hayes Wegner on InstaHe also has his own Facebook page because he's such a cutie and wants to share his adventures with the world!  Find him here: Rutherford's Facebook  

**If anyone is looking for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, I got him through Victoria at Woodland Cavaliers and I would recommend her to anyone!  Feel free to message me or comment with any questions :)

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