Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Karaoke and a Side Dish

I'm only a week behind on my blog and catching up quickly!  Last Wednesday I had work at Karaoke and was sad to not have Mom there to hang out and keep me company, plus give me suggestions for songs like she did last week but I had to make due with a fun night surrounded by friends!

The night started off early and we got going pretty quickly because there was Pool League so lots of people were in there.  I opened with 'Heartbreaker' because it had been a while since I sang it.  Sean, Khad, and Jamie all came in and were ready to sing.  I've been so proud of everyone, trying to sing new songs when they come in, and last week was no different.  My new song of the night was another Madonna song, 'Beautiful Stranger' which was better than 'Ray of Light' but 'Power Of Goodbye' is still one of my favorites.  Marcus did a great rendition of 'Careless Whisper' and Jamie, Marcus, and Khad all sang 'I Would Do Anything For Love' and had a great trio going!  I closed out the night with 'Heart-Shaped Box' because it was a more rock and roll vibe that night!

I also haven't posted a Recipe lately, so after doing Girl's Night with Jamie and my Mom and making dinner, but not taking pictures, I made my Lemon Roasted Asparagus tonight for Dinner along with a Parmesan Pasta and Sweet Apple Sausage.  Here's my recipe for my favorite way to make Asparagus!

Lemon Asparagus
Olive Oil

Break bottom ends of asparagus off and throw away. Then, put asparagus on a baking sheet and drizzle olive oil over them.  Then squeeze a lemon, depending on how much asparagus you're making, you want to make sure that each piece is getting plenty of juice.  Then, salt and pepper your asparagus.  Next, move the asparagus around over the baking sheet to make sure each asparagus is coated with all the ingredients.  Then put the baking sheet in the oven at 350 degrees for 7-10 minutes.  The smaller the asparagus, the shorter the time, the fatter the asparagus, the longer you'll need to bake it.  Just keep an eye on them and right after they turn bright green you're going to want to pull them out.  

I love this recipe because it's healthy, flavorful, and I love the citrus taste but the lemon still allows the great asparagus flavor to come through!

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