Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bake My Day!

Ashley and I work together at Bar Lubitsch.  I've known her for over three years and not only is she a wonderful Bartender and Friend she's an incredibly talented Host who is very well-known in the On-line Cooking Community as she's had multiple shows airing on YouTube, Snapchat, and also Verizon.  Ashley invited her other friend, Nicole (who also works at Lubitsch with us) and I to be a part of her 'Bake My Day' show presented on YouTube and sponsored by Nestle Tollhouse.

We filmed at the end of Summer for a Thanksgiving-themed episode where Ashley was baking White Chocolate Pumpkin Macadamia Nut Cookies.  We talked about 'Friendsgiving' which I've become quite familiar with out here in LA since I usually go home for Christmas, so getting back to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving was out of the question.  I certainly wish I would have gone home for it this past year...I'm sorry I couldn't surprise you like you wanted me to, Mom, but I'm really glad I was able to talk to you and tell you how thankful I was for you.  'Friendsgiving' is where your friends get together and celebrate the Holiday with some of the traditional fixings while bringing new treats into the mix as well.
It was such a fun day on-set, joking around with the girls, eating some tasty cookies, and celebrating Thanksgiving just a couple months early.  Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday because it's about being thankful, spending time with family and friends, and is one Holiday that is pretty much all about the food!  And you all know how much I love to eat :D

Check out our episode posted above and I hope that you decide to try some White Chocolate Pumpkin Macadamia Nut Cookies on your own...but don't eat all the chips like I do!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Heaven Gained an Angel

I apologize for my sudden disappearance here on my blog...my life completely changed over a month ago.  Early Saturday morning on December 5th, my Mom was hit by a car in which the driver lost control on the icy road, and she killed about 50 feet from our driveway in Wisconsin as she was nearly home from her twice daily walk.  She was young, she was healthy, she had plenty of life to live, and she was my best friend.  I obviously wasn't in a place to write here or be creative partially because I was so busy helping my family, spending time with all of them, taking on the daily tasks that my Mom did, and trying to understand why this could happen to someone so wonderful.  I know that everything happens for a reason, our life is predestined for us, and that God must have needed her in Heaven more than we needed her here on Earth.  But that certainly doesn't make the days, hours, or minutes go by any easier.  I miss her more than I ever thought was imaginable.  I talked to her nearly every day on the phone and sometimes twice a day or more.  I'd call to tell her what my plans were for the day, if I was going out, when I was heading to work and had some time to talk, when I was waiting between auditions, to find out what she and Dad had planned for the night, how her job was going, excited about when we'd get to see each other next, about guys and going on dates, and pretty much everything else.  I could tell her almost anything, gave far too many details at times, but I know she always appreciated that honesty, and that was important.  I've been trying to take things one day at a time, while some are easier than others, that last month while I was back in Wisconsin was really just a blur of emotions and emptiness.  The last two weeks here in LA have been jam-packed, which has really been great.  My friends have kept me so busy and booked all my time between all of my jobs so that I have something to do.  The support from everyone has been unwavering and appreciated beyond any words that I could say.  Thank you everyone for your patience, support, love, and kind words; they have helped me through this time and will continue to do so as the days, months, and years go by.  Thank you to my readers for allowing me a safe space to share my life and moments with all of you. 
My Mom meant so much to so many people and I'm grateful to be her forever little girl.  I pray for strength every day...I love and miss you, Mommy <3

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Life Changes...

If I hadn't already realized it on the day that I got my new tattoo in November, I definitely know that life changes in the blink of an eye.  I tend to get a new tattoo after a major realization and I love the ink that I got at Black Diamond Tattoo!

It's got the three Heavenly Virtues, Faith, Hope & Love, and is concentrated on Hope as an Anchor.  Hebrews 6:19 (also my Birthday, June 19th) talks about Hope anchoring the Soul and I refuse to sink.  Justin Jakus did the tattoo in under an hour from design to execution and it turned out beautifully.  I'm so glad he was able to bring my dream to life.  

I did write a Yelp review for Black Diamond Tattoo in Venice if you're interested in checking out the Shop or seeing more of Justin's work!  He gets raving reviews for a reason :)

Special thanks to my roommate for coming with me to hold my hand in case I got nervous.  Justin had the lightest touch, so I barely felt a thing!  I'll definitely go back to Black Diamond for my next tattoo but I know my family hopes that's not for quite some time...I still haven't completely convinced them on my little moments of rebellion and freedom ;)