Friday, February 17, 2017

*Memory Jars*

My Memory Jar <3
Right before the new year started I saw a post on Instagram about starting the year with an empty jar and filling it with notes about good things that happen throughout the year.  Then you go back at the end of the year and read about all the wonderful things that happened in the past year!  Kristina was staying with me at the end of January and also sent me an e-mail about a Memory Jar which I excitedly told her I wanted to do!

I went to Michael's and picked up some big mason jars, black shimmery ribbon, gold glittery letters (for everyone's first initial), and then gold rhinestones to decorate our jars.  Then on a Girl's Night filled with cheese, wine, cookie dough and 'The Bachelor,' I told the gals we were going to be doing this starting in the month of February and on Valentine's Day 2018 we would read the notes from our Memory Jars.  Kristina picked up some black cardstock and gold markers to make the jar look pretty on both the inside and outside because at the end of the day, it's what's on the inside <3

The gals told me they've already started filling their jars with exciting news!  I've included getting my script registered and copywritten with the Writer's Guild and Library of Congress and just recently Valentine's Day surprises.  I look forward to filling the jar with good memories and all of us getting together to share the fabulous story of 2017!

1 comment:

  1. Your memory jar is so pretty. This would be great for kids for the school year, too.
