Saturday, August 3, 2013

My Caprese Salad :)

I don't know how it took me over 20 years to try a Caprese Salad for the first time ever but it did and it has changed my life.  Technically speaking, I'm not sure it's really a salad, more of an Appetizer but either way, it's one of my favorite dishes to start off a meal with.  Aimee had brought me some fresh tomatoes from her Mom's garden so I went out and got some Mozzarella and Basil and decided to make my own Caprese Salad.

Caprese Salad
2 Tomatoes 
Fresh Mozzarella
Basil Leaves
Balsamic Vinegar

Rinse your basil and wash your tomatoes, then thinly slice the tomatoes, and cut some mozzarella.  Next up you're going to assemble the Caprese Salad.  You can do it anyway you want but I like to start with a tomato slice, then piece of mozzarella, topped with a basil leaf and you keep building until all your tomato has been used.  

The most difficult part of the Salad is making a Balsamic Reduction and even that's pretty easy.  The Balsamic is going to reduce by almost half so use as much as you'll need for your dish.  You can use this Reduction for desserts, fruit, or a sauce for skewers and it's got no fat, so that's pretty awesome.  I put about a half cup into a sauce pan that was heating on medium, once it started to boil, I turned the heat down to simmer the Balsamic.  You're going to stir occasionally and just give it time to reduce, but don't raise the heat or you'll end up with a hardened mess.  Once it's reduced and has a syrupy consistency you can let it cool or pour it right over the Caprese Salad.
Just a little bit of Heaven ;)
This Salad is by far one of the prettiest things I've ever made.  Aimee brought me some beautiful tomatoes and this Salad is so light and refreshing with the Basil and Mozzarella.  I LOVED the Balsamic Reduction and it was my first time making one so that was exciting.  I actually did another Caprese Salad a couple days ago because I was so happy with the result.  This is definitely a great starter before a hearty Italian meal or a nice healthy snack :)

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