Monday, August 4, 2014

Ribbed Tee Commercial Shoot

You never know who you're going to meet:  Whether it be out at Brunch, working in a bar, having cocktails at Happy Hour, or grocery shopping.  This story begins about four years ago when I was Bartending at Cabo Cantina and I had a nice little conversation about food and acting with two friendly guys, Matt & JP, who later added me on Facebook.  Flash forward to a couple weeks ago when Matt had asked if I could help him out with a commercial shoot he was doing because his actress had to back out at the last minute.  It sounded like a really fun project so I was in!

You get the idea...
Matt currently has his own production company that produces Demo Reels and is also starring in the Web Series, 'Platonic.'  He was directing the Commercial we were shooting for Ribbed Tee, an undershirt you actually want to wear.  I don't want to give away the concept of the commercial but we'll just say it's the end of the night, the guy has brought his girlfriend home, and it's nearly bedtime...  We also shot an alternate commercial ending which I think the crew really loved as we all were laughing.

This was my first time shooting on a RED Camera and the footage looked absolutely beautiful.  Matt was a great director, and the entire crew was super efficient!  Yes, standing around in your underwear in front of the crew might have been a little uncomfortable but when I'm quoting 'Friends' (Pants off, Bing! Didn't see ya there, Gellar!) I was hoping I was making everyone a little bit more relaxed, at least myself.  My co-star Eamon, was awesome, and we just laughed and talked sports for most of the day and in-between takes.  The owner of Ribbed Tee, Mikel, was so friendly, and I was very happy to get to take home some of the T-shirts because they are so soft and comfy!
Mikel, Matt, Eamon, and our DP, Aric...that's a wrap!
Hopefully, the commercial will be finished in the next couple of weeks and I'll be able to share it soon :)

Find the T-shirts here: Ribbed Tee
Matt's Demo Reel Company: Ready DemoLA on Facebook

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