Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pre-Birthday Week with Mom in LA!

While my Mom was out here last we were kept very busy with working at all my jobs, taking walks, shopping, making Dinner, going out for yummy food, and celebrating my Birthday a couple weeks early!

When Mom first arrived on Tuesday evening, we settled in and then got ready for my Birthday Dinner at Houston's in Manhattan Beach!  I was happy to see that she was also getting a steak that night and actually suggested getting a Mango Salmon Sushi Roll.  The sushi was awesome and Mom liked it too!  My steak was cooked perfectly, was tender, and just about one of the best steaks I've ever had.  We brought our own wine in and toasted to spending some time together and having a nice week.
Dinner at Houston's!
We didn't get dessert because I wanted to go to Locanda Del Lago to get the Chocolate Lava Cake because it is the BEST in LA but they close at 10 pm during the week so we would have just missed it since we were driving back from Manhattan Beach.  Mom and I were able to get my Lava Cake on Thursday night after work at Irish Times.  She helped me set up that morning and came in for Dinner later on, and then we went to Santa Monica for Dessert, and Locanda Del Lago comped the Dessert for my Birthday, knowing it was 2 weeks early.  They're so awesome there they said to come back in on my Birthday and they'd comp it again.  Thank you Locanda Del Lago :)

On Wednesday Mom and went for a long walk/run around the neighborhood and rewarded ourselves with Dinner at Olive Garden.  I Hosted Karaoke that night (which you can read about in my previous blog).

Friday afternoon Mom and I spent shopping for our upcoming trip next month to Punta Cana.  She found a lot of fun dresses and outfits for the trip while I picked out a couple items.  We also did some more shopping on Saturday and got a little time in the sun even though the week Mom was here was pretty much June Gloom.  Boo!  I made Dinner for Mom on Friday night and then she came into The Garage on Saturday while I was working so we could have Dinner together and hang out a little bit on our last night.  Since I got off work early we went home and had a mini Birthday Party where I blew out my 3 candles on my Flourless Chocolate Cake we picked up for Friday Night's Dinner.
Birthday Wishes :)
On Sunday we went to Church, took a nice long walk around the neighborhood and then went for an early Dinner at Panera Bread down by LAX so we'd be close to the airport.  When Mom comes to visit the time always flies by and before I know it, it's time for her to go home.  I wish it wouldn't go so quickly, and I wish I lived closer to my family but it makes the time spent together all the more worthwhile.  Plus, I get to cheat a little and eat fresh donuts every morning that Mom picks up before I'm even awake ;)

Thanks for coming to visit me Mom and help me celebrate my Birthday!  I love you.

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