Saturday, December 31, 2016

Bar Lubitsch Holiday Party!

The Lubitsch Holiday Party was the first Sunday in December and I knew exactly what I was going to wear.  I had a dream about my Mom the night before the party.  A year before on that night, it was the last time I spoke to my Mom.  I spent the day chatting with her, calling her and interrupting her work day at least three times, and not once was she ever annoyed or bothered by my phone calls.  I had found the perfect dress the year before, went to Angl to get it, and they said it was shipped to another store because they couldn't sell it.  Then one employee remembered she had packed it, but it hadn't yet gone out, went through the box, and pulled it out.  It was my size, the color I wanted, and when I walked out of the fitting room, she called me Beyonce.  Did I mention it was on sale with an additional 30% off?  I got for a steal (and since my Mom was the Queen of bargain-shopping, I had to call her a couple more times).  I knew since I had a dream about her the night before the party, it was a sign I had to wear the dress.
The dress <3
Giana and I got ready at my place and then we ubered over to Carolyn & Matt's and picked them up on our way to Jones for the party. Per usual, the food was incredible, salmon, chicken, two kinds of pasta, vegetables, desserts and more.  It's also open bar, yes, our Committed Inc. company certainly appreciates their employees and treats them well!  I'll take another Hendricks & Sprite please ;)
Giana, Carolyn, & I...and my amazing co-workers and friends! 
There's a whole lot of good-looking people in these photos :)
Most of my co-workers were there so we all caught up, had some shots together, enjoyed a wonderful meal, and our glasses were never empty.  It also gives all of us a chance to get dressed up for a special occasion!  I'm close friends with a few of my co-workers so we do see each other outside of work on occasion but it's always nice to get together and have everyone be fancy!  I may have missed the dance party but I did get pictures all night long!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from all of us at Bar Lubitsch and more!

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