Thursday, December 1, 2016

No Alcohol for Six Weeks!

In October I got sick with a sore throat and cold.  I was run-down from rehearsals for two different shows, performances, work, Rutherford, and life.  I found myself having a glass of wine for Dinner with friends, or a beer while we watched Football on Sunday, or multiple beers while at a Dodger Play-Off game, or shots with friends at Karaoke, and before you know it, you're having at least one drink a day, a couple to a few times a week.  I enjoy drinking but I certainly don't need to have a drink to get through the day, and I'm very glad and thankful for that.  Although, I sincerely appreciate a great glass of wine with a home-cooked meal or while out to eat and work hard so I can enjoy that.  I knew I wanted to take a little break so I figured since I had just come down with this cold, it was a good time to take a week or two off.  

Headshot by James DePietro
On October 12th, I decided to not drink for two weeks.  Those initial 10 days flew by and I knew I'd be able to hit two weeks easily.  As soon as I hit two weeks, I thought, I can do another week, maybe I can do a full month?  I liked challenging myself.  As I went through that third week, a month seemed like a breeze.  In fact, as that month was about to hit, it was simple to not drink.  Mind you, I work in a bar three to four days a week, so I am constantly around alcohol, and yet, it was easy to say, no thanks.  Even on Halloween, while at a friend's House Party, I was able to enjoy the night with friends, food and games, and a glass of tea in front of me.  I did miss having a glass of wine while I was cooking my Blue Apron Dinner's, but it wasn't the end of the world.  I didn't even drink the night of the election when I think everyone was having cocktails!

I figured after a month, I'd go back to my occasional cocktail, but at that point, I really had no reason to drink so I was going to see how long I could go.  It was nice to be the Designated Driver, to know we were all getting home safely, to leave the bar at 3 am and not worry about being pulled over because I was completely sober.  As Thanksgiving was approaching, I knew I was going to have wine and I didn't really want to be a 'party pooper' and be wrecked after a couple glasses while we were with our friends.  So a couple days before, Giana and Adam came over, we played Wineopoly (leaned about wine from all over the world) and drank some delicious reds, watched a movie, and laughed.  It was fun, it was contained, and I woke up the next morning feeling great.  I felt healthy, there was no hangover (although I did take an aspirin just in case), and since I wasn't drinking alcohol lately, I had been on red alert to drink tons of water, and did the same thing that first night back, so I was hydrated.  I'll write more about that in my blog for my New Year's Resolutions from this past year ;)

What did I learn in six weeks of no alcohol? 
I'm still getting sick; no alcohol also means I'm restless in my sleep.  This past year has been a rough one and I still haven't gotten back to my normal sleep patterns, so I truly think that's the reason I've been on and off with a cough and cold for the last couple months.  I'm just worn down; alcohol is not a major factor in that but that doesn't mean it helps if you're already feeling under the weather.
My singing voice has improved.  My voice is much clearer, I'm able to hit higher notes, and it sounds more full.  I'm still working in the bar, yelling over the music, and my voice is still healthy.
I feel more accomplished.  I started writing the sitcom I've had on the back-burner for years.  Could this inspiration be because I haven't been drinking?  Maybe, maybe not.  But my thought process is clear and not clouded, and it's completely creatively-fueled!  I've been having late night writing sessions to keep up with the ideas in my mind, and sharing this project with my close friends has gotten me more excited about this whole process.  It also makes me want to start working on little projects that we can film and put up on YouTube since I have so many talented friends.
No hangovers (which I rarely have anyway) and no drinking time means more time for hanging with friends, getting my work-outs or work done earlier so I'm more available for the people who are important to me.  My friendships have flourished in the last couple months and when we're hanging out just a few of us, because I'm not drinking, it usually means, none of the other gals are either.  We're able to enjoy each other's company and really talk.  
I've been eating more healthy and doing two-a-days for my work-outs.  I've gained weight (it's probably muscle, right) but I feel stronger and healthier in that aspect, and can run for longer periods of time, do more push-ups and squats without tiring.  I've also been taking yoga classes once a week, and a positive mind means a positive body.  
My skin is clearer (another thing I attribute to drinking copious amounts of water) and there's no bloating!  My stomach is flat, aside from the little food baby, since I enjoy eating.  My eyes look brighter, in fact, my body as a whole just looks healthier, and that's a natural glow!
I've been working more hours, longer hours, and picking up shifts at the bar and I've been able to handle all of that much better than I normally would.  Stress is still there but I'm not drinking to make anything feel better.
I didn't even think about the monetary I said, I'm not a big drinker anyway, but I know I saved money by not going out, not eating food just because I had a cocktail or two, or buying a bottle of wine when the girls and I were hanging out!  That's money better spent on other fun activities!

Lastly, it's cool to not drink!  Go on, and try it!

Overall, it was a really welcomed break.  I didn't mind being the one not drinking, and I really do believe I've gotten more accomplished in the last six weeks because of it.  Now perhaps we'll see how the next six weeks go that I'm gradually welcoming cocktails and wine back, and see if I'm still on this creative path, healthy-eating, strong work-outs, and awesome relationships.  I know I will be...fresh perspective means positivity and I'm not about to let anyone down :)

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