Saturday, June 7, 2014

What's for Dinner? Part 16.

I posted my Cilantro Pesto that my friend, Caleb had taught me just over a year ago and I've always been interested in doing a Basil Pesto.  So when my friend, Aimee, brought me some basil and rosemary from her Mom's garden, I knew exactly what I was going to make!

A few basic ingredients turns into a delicious meal!
Basil & Rosemary Pesto
1 Cup Packed Basil
1 Stalk Rosemary
3 Cloves Garlic
1/3 Cup Olive Oil

1/4 Cup Rice Wine Vinegar
4 Dashes Tobasco
1 Tsp Honey
1/2 Tsp Ginger 
1/2 Cup Cheese 
Salt & Pepper

I began by pulling the leaves off the basil stems and packed them into a cup then I took one long stem of rosemary pulling off just the leaves and put both herbs into the blender.  I added my Garlic, Olive Oil, Rice Wine Vinegar, Tobasco, Honey, Ginger, Salt & Pepper and started to blend my ingredients.  Then I added in a mixture of Parmesan, Romano, & Asiago Cheese, tasting along the way and finding that half a cup was just right.  Blend until smooth; this was so fragrant and smelled beautiful.  I used half for my Dinner that night and put the rest into my fridge for another night.  Then I just warmed it in a pan and tossed in my pasta once that was cooked.

After trying this I know that I'm just a Cilantro Pesto fan.  I love Cilantro so much and it really gives the pesto a wonderful flavor.  I do love the kick of the Tobasco and the Rosemary was a nice addition as well but just doesn't compare to the Cilantro option.  Basil Pesto is the classic way and I like my updated additions.  I also found it tasted great on it's own and cold, and would pair nicely with cheese and crackers!

Here's the Cilantro Pesto Recipe :) 

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