Saturday, February 18, 2012

American Idol Recap & Karaoke

American Idol has started yet again, and while I don't watch the Auditions throughout the Cities, I get into it once they get to Hollywood week.  This year they seemed to have a lot of drama throughout group week, and as I watched each of the episodes I noticed a lot of people fainting, getting sick, and being unable to perform.  My question is, is it the show's fault for giving them such a short time to prepare and get together to practice and rehearse before the performance, and the contestants are just so exhausted, or perhaps nervous that they're fainting left and right?  I've never seen so many people going down in an American Idol season ever.  Or is it the contestants fault for not taking better care of themselves?  People are fainting out of exhaustion and dehydration, they need to be drinking water non-stop, and as singers, they should know this.  All of this drama creates good TV and since they've cut out so many of the crazy auditions, perhaps this is a way to get viewers to stay tuned.  Personally, I think it makes it look terrible and shows no regard for the people's health and well-being.  It is a competition, but Ryan Seacrest is the only person to show any concern when something like this happens.  It was nice to see all the contestants traveling to Las Vegas to perform 50's & 60's songs, which is a good challenge for them, and it looked as though everyone had pulled themselves together to perform to the best of their ability with no health scares.  At any rate, I'll look forward to when it's the Top 24 and hopefully everyone is prepared for the competition ahead!

Last night I had Karaoke and while I was hoping for my busy Whitney Houston Tribute Night, that did not happen.  The night was steady, but only had one Whitney performance.  We all had a lot of fun and it became a lively night as more singers and fun showed up!  My new song was Paula Abdul's 'Cold Hearted Snake' which was a fun little song to sing, and I completely forgot that she kind of raps throughout the song.  It was a nice surprise and challenge for me.  I closed the night with 'Cryin' by Aerosmith because it's been a long time since I've sang the song, and everybody in the crowd was jamming out with me, so I'm glad we all enjoyed ourselves and I was even happier that a couple friends of mine showed up to brighten my evening!

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