Thursday, February 23, 2012

Scary Stories!

Last night I Hosted Karaoke at Gabe's and we had another slow week...what's going on out there, Friends?  I thought last week it was a day after Valentine's Day thing...then perhaps it could be because everyone's preparing their taxes and realized they have overspent...and then I heard it...we've got a couple people out, regulars and some co-workers who are sick with Bronchitis!  One thing my Mom always said when we were little was, put a coat on, put your hat on, put your gloves on, it's cold outside, you're going to catch a cold.  As I got older, I learned you can't catch a cold from being cold, so that would always be my response, to which I would hear from my Mom, well, it doesn't help, so put your coat on.  California is living proof that it can be absolutely beautiful outside, it was 80 degrees today, and people are dropping like flies!  So many people are sick or have been sick with Bronchitis in the past month or so.  I've been lucky so far that I haven't gotten it, but trust me, I've been washing my hands non-stop, keeping warm, and trying to stay healthy so I can avoid it this season.

Anyway...we still managed to have a good night at Karaoke even though my main customer was, Mustard.  Yes, his nickname was Mustard...I didn't ask any questions.  He liked to sing and kept me entertained, so I really can't complain :)  My new song of the night was The Ronette's, 'Be My Baby,' from 'Dirty Dancing.'  I want to work on it more, because it was a really fun song.  I also got back to a couple songs I haven't sang in a while like Pat Benatar and Tracy Chapman.  I did get offered my first drink of Lent, and turned that Margarita down pretty easily...thank goodness I had an audition today, so I had a good excuse to say no.  Karaoke was pretty low-key and I was glad to get to bed early for my audition today!

My audition was for a Horror Film, and was a cold reading with the sides available at the audition, so my only prep was making sure I was relaxed, comfortable, and confident.  The drive to Manhattan Beach was quick, and it was in a neighborhood with some beautiful houses.  It went fairly quick, and I did the scene 3 times, three different ways, and felt like I was really able to give a good range of emotions and different takes so I hope the Director will be happy when she sees the footage.  After I read the scene the Writer had me tell a scary story, so I told her about my old Waitressing job at Siebkin's in Elkart Lake, Wisconsin.  The building was totally haunted and I used to have to open at 5 am for Breakfast and I was there all alone until guests would come down around 6 am.  I heard noises, pots and pans clanging, water running, lights would switch on and off, and I even saw ghosts and pictures moving.  One day I was so scared I locked myself in the freezer...I have no idea what I was thinking, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.  At least the ghosts seemed friendly, just family of the the family that currently owned it, and from time to time they would make their presence known to the staff and even guests.  Oh how I miss that job.

I also spent some time today looking at Casting Workshops and found a couple in the next month or two that look really good, so I can get some more training in!  I got a re-shoot date for the '1000 Ways to Die' story for next week, so I'm excited for that.  I've got some left-over Olive Garden, picked up 'What's Your Number,' at the Redbox, and the apartment to myself...I'm a happy girl.

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