Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The last day of my 20's...

It has been almost a week since I turned 30 and as scared as I was for the past couple of months leading up to it, when I woke up on Wednesday morning and walked into the living room, my roommate was awaiting me with a Cupcake and Mimosa's as I proclaimed 'I'm 30, woo hoo!'  It's only just begun, but as far as I can tell, the next 30 years are going to be great, but the cupcake and candle were a nice start!
I'm 30!! (Well, almost...last Photo Shoot of my 20's in Venice!)
Can't believe I fit in there!
The previous night (just hours of being 29 were left) included a wonderful Birthday Dinner at La Piazza complete wtih Pesto Farfalle & Shrimp Risotto, Wine, Chocolate Lava Cake, and later on drinks at Bar Lubitsch because Marisa was covering my Friday shift that weekend since I was scheduled at The Garage as well.  No rest for the Birthday girl, I worked my normal schedule all week long in addition to party planning!  The night ended with me hiding in my pantry because that's what 30 year-olds do...having fun and always a kid at heart ;)

Mom had made sure to call me at 10 pm in LA, because it was midnight in Wisconsin, then midnight in LA, and once again at 3:44 am because that was when I was actually born.  She's so thoughtful and I always love hearing the story of her going to the hospital and having me!  Thanks for sharing it every year with me, Mom!

Since Tuesday was the last day of my 20's, Kristina and I met up at her place in Venice and headed towards the beach for my final photo shoot of my 20's.  She had a bright purple/fuchsia wall that we planned on shooting at as well as the graffiti walls by the beach.  It was a great day for a photo shoot aside from the wind down by the ocean; my hair was blowing every which way, covering my face, in my lip gloss, and I was worried the pictures were just going to be complete chaos but I was so happy when I saw that it worked for the photos and they ended up turning out beautifully!  I couldn't have been happier with the photos; Kristina was a great photographer and we had a blast.  I can't wait to shoot with her again soon! 
Venice Beach Photo Shoot with Kristina!
All in all I ended my 20's with a bang, hanging out with friends, doing something creative, and enjoying those last moments before my fabulous 30's begin.  I'm certainly a lucky girl!

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