Sunday, April 15, 2012

Soap Rehearsals and more...

I found out on Friday evening I got into 'The Bold & The Beautiful' Workshop on Sunday, and got 17 sets of sides that I had to choose a scene from.  After narrowing it down to just 4 scenes, I had some time before Hosting Karaoke at Gabe's to go over them with Jessica, my roommate.  Each scene I was reading as a different character so I could get some variety, and we had our favorites after reading through each one.  The short and sweet scene was a favorite, and Jess liked the scene between 2 females.  I liked a different scene between two gals because I noticed they were casting the character in the scene, so I thought it might be a good idea to read for that, but I also noticed the scene was one-note throughout, but this was just my first read-through of all of them!
After my mini-rehearsal, I was off to Gabe's to Host Karaoke for Friday the 13th!  The last Friday the 13th at Gabe's was definitely an off night, so I was hoping tonight would run smoother.  I waited for the Laker game to end because it was really slow in there, so we didn't start until after 10 pm, and it was rather slow all night, but steady.  We had some new singers and some last minute before the night ended singers, but everyone seemed to be having a really good time, so hopefully, they'll be back!  My new song of the night was The Bangles 'Manic Monday' which was another fun song to sing, but I had totally forgotten how the bridge went, so that was a fun surprise when it got to that part.  Definitely a song I'll try again.  The Bangles version of 'Hazy Shade of Winter' is actually one of my favorite songs, and I love the guitar part in the song, and who doesn't love singing along to 'Eternal Flame!'  Perhaps I'll have to try that song, sometime soon.  It was by far my least lucrative night at Gabe's, but everything went smoothly so I was a happy camper.
On Saturday morning I met up with Neil to read through all the scenes again to figure out which one I would do for the Workshop on Sunday.  I had sent him my four choices the night before so he had his favorites before we even ran through them.  One of the scenes was really long, but could have a lot of variety and emotions throughout, but I know the Casting Director's like the scenes to be at or under 2 minutes and while this scene would move quickly, it was almost double that.  The scene between the girls seemed boring as I read through it with Neil, and he hated it too, said we could work to find parts that we could pick up, but why try when I only have one day.  The other double female scene was fun to do, because I got to play the mean girl role, but as I noticed on the first read through, was one-note throughout, and could get boring, even though it was fun, and Neil had said was a very different role for me.  I also have to make sure that whatever I'm reading as, that I can be cast as that.  I don't know if I look like a B*tchy soap star, I'm more of the girl next door, so I need to keep that in mind as I'm picking parts and going through roles.  As we read through the male and female scene that was short and sweet, I knew that was it, and so did Neil.  Jessica had also liked that one, so I decided that would be the best to learn and perform.
We read through the scene a few times finding different beats and moments, changes in emotion, finding places to bring frustration and anger, and even tears at some point.  When I got home, I actually recorded my voice doing the male part, so I could rehearse 'with a partner'.  That actually helped me a lot, and made sure I had my pacing down.  After doing that with emotion and feeling, I worked on memorizing the lines, walking around my apartment, and noticing if I was pausing anywhere, and noting I didn't have that line memorized.  Since the scenes had only been given to us on Friday, I knew the CD wouldn't mind if you looked to your script, and didn't have it memorized, but I like to be completely prepared when coming into these workshops because it is my career and I want to put my best foot forward and be as professional as possible.  I worked on rehearsing and memorizing throughout the evening and by the time I was in bed, I was completely comfortable with the scene and ready for anything!

I had found out that afternoon before I left to rehearse with Neil that I had an audition on Sunday afternoon as well, for a Feature Film.  It's based on true events, and I would be playing a Mistress of a General, which would be a very different role for me.  I spoke to the Casting Director on the phone because I needed to make sure I could come in at 1 pm after my Workshop and found out he was from Wisconsin as well, so I felt like our first conversation was a great interview as well!
I made sure to get to bed early this time so I could get plenty of sleep, had my bag packed with headshots and resumes, my sides, any directions and notes, and my laptop, in case we got the sides for my audition that needed to be printed.  Then it was off to dream land for me...

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