Wednesday, May 9, 2012

An Audition...YAY!

I found out yesterday afternoon that my Agent got me a Commercial Audition for today!  I was so excited since things have been really slow right now, so I haven't been going out lately, and I'm starting to get stir crazy to shoot something or work on something new!

My audition was in Santa Monica, less than 10 minutes from my place, so after printing off a fresh resume and stapling it to my headshot, I was out the door in my Homeowner/Mother outfit.  What does one wear to look like a Homeowner/Mother, well, I tried to make myself look older; there's a first for everything, especially doing something like that in LA!  I wore my trouser slacks along with a white lacy tank top and silver cardigan over the top and did my make-up in neutral colors.

I actually went to the wrong suite first; what they had given us in the directions was wrong so I had signed in and needed to write my Agency's phone number down and when I went into my purse, saw I didn't have my phone with me at all.  Now that's a first!  Talk about feeling completely helpless.  Luckily, I found the correct suite just outside and 2 doors down.

When I got to the audition, the two other girls that were there were dressed similarly, although more business-like, and a few years older than me.  I know I'm on the young end of the casting, but they must have liked something about me to call me in, and I'm just happy to be going out for an audition so I'm definitely not complaining!

I grabbed a set of the sides and started memorizing right away.  The audition process went really quick so a couple minutes later, the Casting Director asked if I was ready, and I asked for just one more minute.  He gave me a couple notes about what they wanted and a minute later I was slating and taking photos in the audition room.  The audition is for an on-line Web Service, so I had to show two different sides in the audition.  The first was frustration with having to do research on my own, and having trouble getting help if I mess something up, but then excitement talking about the service that does all the work for you with no hassles.  After my first time, the Producer or Director asked me to do it again but change it slightly, so I went through it one more time, really exaggerating both ends, but still being likeable and friendly.

When I left the audition I felt good about it; not great, but that's not always a bad thing.  Sometimes I can feel really good, but the people in Casting just didn't like me or what I did.  Other times I feel like I bombed and they'll love me and book me on the job.  I was glad I was able to give two different versions of the script and that my words were clear and I didn't have any mistakes!  It would be great to get a call-back after a little break in my auditions, so please keep those fingers crossed :)

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