Monday, May 14, 2012

Guinness & Music & Yogaglo

I wondered why last week flew by and as I'm writing these entries I'm understanding!  So much was going on and I kept really busy.  On Saturday I was Bartending at Irish Times from noon until 7 pm.  It was my first time setting up on my own so it was a nice little work-out for me as well, getting ice, taking down bar stools, running back to my car because I had left the instructions in there and it was parked 2 blocks away.  Once everything was set up I had some time to hang out until some guests arrived.

Last week when I had worked they were filming something when I arrived and about an hour after I opened Karen, (she used to Bartend there and is a good friend of the bar) came in with a Boom Operator (sound guy) to get bar noise for the film.  We got to talking and found out she has an insane schedule next week because she runs her own Casting Company.  She said she had seen my headshots and submissions on LA Casting previously and said to make a note when I submit saying we know each other from Irish Times and also gave me her e-mail.  YAY!  My first customers arrived after 2 and the day stayed steady till I closed.  I had a rush right around 5 pm which kept me running.  Most people that came in had lunch or dinner so there were drink orders, food orders, and lots of chatting.  Plus, a bunch of games were coming on so it ended up being a really awesome Saturday.  I'm getting to know the regulars now and making new friends too!  

I left the bar just before 8 pm and headed home to get ready for my friend, Mike's show at Molly Malone's.  I saw him play there a couple months ago and was excited to see him play again since I now had his CD and knew the songs better.  I really love the style of his music and his band and him jammed on stage; Neil pointed out they were a lot like Dave Matthews, which I could definitely see, but I don't like Dave Matthews voice, and Mike's is so incredible.  He's got one of the greatest voices I've heard and huge range!  On top of it all, it was so great to see Amy and Nic, and Mike's family, and it's always awesome to see a big turn-out and people showing support for a good friend!  I loved singing along this time and rocking out with Mike and he closed the show with a cover of The Darkness's 'I Believe in a Thing Called Love' with the full band so it rocked!  
Molly Malone's
Talk about a busy Saturday and busy weekend!  I always look forward to my Yoga class on Monday's and after the weekend I was stoked to be in class, even though my favorite teacher, Jo, is out of town for the next two months; I figured I'd try another teacher's class.  So today we worked on stretching our legs and really getting deeper into the stretch.  After doing this for about 20 minutes it was really interesting to see how far you had come from the beginning of class.  The last 40 minutes of class we worked on inversions, doing shoulder stand and head stand.  I'm actually a little sore from it so I'm definitely missing Jo's class right now!  I really like flowing too and today's class was concentrating on Hatha Yoga which is more sustained poses and for someone who doesn't do a whole lot of inversions or in most of the classes I've taken, you're only doing it for 5-10 minutes, this was a big change for me.  I'll just have to keep working at it!

Whew what a busy week and I can't wait to do it all over again this week, except this time, I'll be back in Wisconsin for it!

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