Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Resolutions and Goals for 2016

This year has already been life-changing, difficult, and positive, all wrapped into one.  I'm hoping the drive that I started 2016 with to make progressions in my career continues, that my new philosophy on life takes exciting direction, that my family and I continue to grow closer together as we've already built stronger bonds of love, that I experiment in the Kitchen and make at least one new dish a month, and that I make my Mom proud in my decisions and choices.

Last year I wanted to do something every day that scared me; I like to think that I did that but I'm sure there were days that I felt fearful about something and let that fear take over.  It's natural and as long as I know that from fear comes growth, I just have to challenge myself and be daring.

'You had the power all along, my Dear.' ~ Glinda
I also wanted to be more patient and polite with Customer Service Representatives and Bar Patrons.  I definitely feel like I kept true to that and I will certainly continue to maintain a positive outlook and try to be patient in moments of frustration.  In November I actually started a 'No Complaints' Challenge that was supposed to be seven went on much longer and I was able to keep up with it.  I plan on starting that again since I was really happy doing it and it seemed to positively affect the people around me and inspire them to get involved :)  In addition to that, I also spent some time Volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and would like to find some opportunities to volunteer throughout LA!

For the past few years I've made sure to try new restaurants and Happy Hours all over at least once a month.  Dine LA makes that easy since there's so many restaurants throughout Los Angeles and many of them offer a three-course menu for a discounted price.  Plus, there's always a new Happy Hour spot popping up somewhere!  I also wanted to get out of town more often and was able to get back to Wisconsin in September, Palm Springs in July, Arizona in April, and Solvang a couple times as well.

I advanced my career at Afterbuzz TV now taking on Segment Producer for our 'Supernatural' Aftershow.  I took over the role of Madame Thenardier in August for the rest of the run of 'Thenardier's Inn - A Les Miserables Cabaret,' where I'd been playing a Lovely Lady since November of 2014, started doing Improv again with our Theater Company, CAC, and also did a few other projects throughout the year.  When you look back on the past year, it's interesting to see all the strides you've made in the right direction and know they are milestones now.

Cheers to another exciting year of adventure, career challenges, love and fun surrounded by positive influences!

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