Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Resolutions and Goals!

I can't believe how quickly 2012 flew by and I'm sure that 2013 will only follow in suit!  Obviously, we all survived the Mayan Death Calendar, although my flight landing in Wisconsin on the 20th during a Blizzard made me think I might go before the 21st, it's already January 3rd and we've got a long road ahead of us to enjoy so much!

I'm so happy that I was able to keep up with my resolutions from last year and will continue to challenge myself to keep them this year because it does feel like a lifestyle change for the positive and I can't wait to add more to that!  Some of my new resolutions seem more like goals, but at the end of the day, I'm striving to achieve more, so either way, if I stick to something and work hard, I'll be happy with my decisions.  These are my goals for 2013!

1.  Create my own Web Series or Show and post Episodes on Social Media.
Watch out I come!
I have so many ideas floating around in my brain and this is the year I plan on putting those thoughts on camera!  It'll probably have something to do with cooking and recipes, crazy stories, cars and other fun stuff so I'm really looking forward to making that happen and perhaps even Hosting my own show!

2.  Get Representation.
Now that I joined the SAG/AFTRA Union in November I need to get Theatrical and Commercial Representation so I can go out on more Auditions, book work, and build my resume!  I enjoy submitting myself and book most of my work and jobs on my own so it would be nice to have someone supporting me and getting me out there so I can form new relationships with Casting Directors and Industry people :)

3.  Do new things and go out of town more.
I've been living in Los Angeles for over 7 years and I've been to San Diego once, Temecula once, and Las Vegas a few times.  I have always wanted to go to Catalina, Santa Barbara, etc.  These are places that are a car-ride away so I want to take a day or two and enjoy a different city on occasion; it'll make me appreciate where I live and give me an opportunity to try new things.  I also want to do things I don't normally get to do, like going to plays or seeing Musicals when they come to LA, trying new restaurants instead of sticking with a stand-by, or taking a fun new class.  Groupon and Bloomspot offer great ideas for restaurants and things to do around LA and I often buy restaurant stuff but I'll push myself to buy some activities from now on too!

I think my 2012 positive lifestyle changes in addition to these new resolutions and goals give me a lot to look forward to in 2013!  I'm determined, I'll work even harder, and I'll keep smiling and be patient because one of these days, my hard work will pay off and I'll achieve my hopes and dreams :)

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