Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Soap Opera Intensive Day 1

This weekend was crazy busy for me...I had work on Friday and Saturday night and had a Soap Opera Intensive with Bob Lambert all day on Saturday and then again on Sunday morning until the afternoon.  Running around well weekend was so worth it for a wonderful learning experience and a lot of fun!

The Intensive was at the Act Now Studios in Sherman Oaks and Bob arrived right on time and a bundle of energy and smiles.  He is a Casting Director for Days of Our Lives and used to Cast for All My Children.  We all introduced ourselves, talked about where we were from and what our experience was.  Bob was full of information talking about the types of roles they cast for Days of Our Lives, what to expect, pay rate, and the Audition process for each of them.  We had a note-taking session on all of this which also included expectations from Soap Opera Casting Directors and Audition notes specifically for Soaps.

We were all given a scene that we looked over in the hallway and 20 minutes later we were all performing our Cold Readings on Camera.  Bob gave some re-directs and ideas for each of the actors and some of us performed again and after everyone finished we all sat down to watch the performances on camera.  He gave me some great notes, telling me that I was a strong actor, had good pacing, and that I was living in the scene.  He said I could add more levels and variety so I made sure when I was Reading for the next Actor I was already applying that note.  When I watched myself on camera I saw what he was talking about and would make sure my next performance on camera would include that note.  I don't usually get to see myself Audition or on camera so it was nice to see what a Casting Director or Producer may see after Auditions.  This way I was able to see what worked and what didn't work which was super beneficial for future Auditions.  I was really nervous when I got up there and was actually shaking but as I watched the playback you couldn't tell at all so that was awesome!

What does this Headshot sell to you?
Next up we talked about the Camera Shots they use on Days of Our Lives and most Soap Operas, blocking, and what to do during your scene based on the camera angles.  Then he gave us some more notes on what to look for in your Sides and talked about our Headshots and Resumes.  I have an exercise I'll be working on this week to make sure my Headshots are selling me and how people see me.

The last part of the day was working with a Scene Partner where he gave us another scene and we would be doing a Screen Test.  So Annie and I worked on the scene for a few minutes, he gave each group blocking and then we rehearsed the scene once through and next up we were filmed.  Our scene definitely felt like it dragged and that was the first note Bob gave was that the energy was brought down with the emotion of the scene and even though there were some sad notes we still needed to keep it up and exciting.  When I saw it on camera, he was 100% right, we were kind of boring, and although he said both of us were living in the moment and were natural there was room for improvement and we were up for the challenge!

That was Day 1 of my Soap Opera Intensive with Bob Lambert and I felt like I had already learned so much and had so many ideas for what I wanted to do with my scene and couldn't wait to perform again and show him the changes I would make to make our scene exciting and feisty!  He's a fantastic teacher and made this intensive interesting and fun :)

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