Monday, March 25, 2013

Web Series Audition

A couple weeks ago I had an Audition in Hollywood for a popular Web Series that got picked up for Season 2 so they have plenty of episodes to cast and this session was for an episode to be filmed in the next couple of weeks.  It's been a huge hit since it came out in 2012 and has had over a million views on YouTube and Yahoo has been sponsoring it since it became widely popular!
Busy day...Work-out, Audition, Errands, and Dinner
at Wabi Sabi!  Happy Girl :)
I was going in for one of the Young Female roles that was described as stylish, sexy, and cute.  As I walked into the Casting Studio I saw one of my good friends, Andrea, was also auditioning so after signing in, and a quick catch up I grabbed a script and was prepared to do some Improv.  I had come up with some ideas before I had even gotten to the Audition for things I would want to do but saw that it wasn't going to be helpful because they were going in a different direction.  It made me a little nervous but I memorized the script, came up with some other ideas, and waited my turn.
The room seemed pretty warmed up and I was happy to see another friend of mine (and also an Actor in the series) who was helping to run the Audition and was actually 'reading' with me.  Since it was Improv, we had a script but we were told that we could deviate from it and make it our own.  After slating we got started with our date scene and had some fun with it.  We got a couple laughs and next up we did a complete Improv of dropping a date off at home and trying to get in some more 'romantic time' to not have the date end.  Either I've had some pretty respectful dates or it's been a really long time because I had a difficult time taking over the guy's role to try to continue the date, but used snuggling, a movie, a late night snack, etc, but my friend and reader was not budging, which is what he was supposed to do, taking on the girl's role.  I tried to keep it light and fun and hopefully they enjoyed seeing me do something interesting and different.

As I drove home I felt good about the Audition but realized I'd really like to do some more Improv and take some classes to improve on that skill.  I think that's a good note to take from it and be happy that I got some more practice at my Audition :)

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