Saturday, May 11, 2013

Impromptu Vegas Trip!

On Monday morning, Emily and I were in our usual spots on our couches discussing our weekend and chatting about the upcoming week.  As we were talking about our work schedules we both found out that we had Monday and Tuesday off, and neither of us worked until Wednesday evening.  What did that mean?  Vegas!  

The adventurous side of me said yes, but the practical side said there had to be something going on that we couldn't just up and leave.  Spontaneity won and we packed our bags, stopped at the grocery store to pick up some cocktail supplies, snacks, and then we were on the road to Vegas.  We were going to stay at The Flamingo but by the time we called the rate had nearly tripled so we decided to stay at the Hooter's Casino since it was just off The Strip, super affordable, and we were barely going to be spending any time in the room anyway.
Roommates in Vegas!
Once we got to Vegas we poured ourselves some drinks at our makeshift bar in the Hotel Room and got ready for a night out at The Cosmopolitan.  Our first stop was The Chandelier Bar where Emily and I had some delicious specialty cocktails.  Next up was Marquee, thanks to my friend, Donnie, who had a table right by the dance floor.  We had plenty of space to hang out and dance, and what felt like an endless supply of Vodka.
Great music at Marquee!
Emily and I were dancing our Chicken Wings off and I was surprised that I liked the music because I'm not a huge electronic/techno/house music person but the DJ mixed some Top 40's with some Rock & Roll and on top of the confetti dropping from the ceiling and go go dancers, it sure was a party.  We ended up dancing all night and had a blast!

Night One in Vegas = Success :)

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