Friday, January 6, 2012

We have to get back to the island!

After months of suspense, excitement, laughs, and tears, it was time to watch the Series Finale of 'Lost' last night.  I had a little viewing party with some friends, and spent a good part of the night with happy tears running down my cheeks along with shock and a little confusion.  The End.

I got hooked the first episode I saw of 'Lost,' and couldn't wait to continue with all 6 seasons, and find out what was really going on with the island and all the other questions viewers alike have.  I am proud to say that I felt like I really understood what was going on throughout the series, and could predict certain happenings, before most would, but was still shocked to see an ending like this.  I got scared about halfway through watching all the episodes, that what if the ending wasn't a happy one, would it be worth taking the time to watch the show?  I was pleasantly surprised to see a very thoughtful ending, that gave the viewer the opportunity to take it as they wanted to, in whatever direction it would mean to the viewer.  It certainly left a lot for discussion, but as the show started in the beginning, there was the faith believers and the logical ones.  You had to decide which side you were on and I felt happy with my choice.

While there is so much more to be said, I'm going to leave this on a good note, and would happily discuss more with anyone who wants to chat!

Today I spent some time studying and analyzing a few scenes I have for an audition tomorrow.  I took Acting Classes in Los Angeles with Joseph Pearlman and really learned a lot from him.  I definitely feel like my Theatre Degree from Winona State University, along with the professors, prepared me well for looking at a script and knowing what I needed to do, to best study and be ready for whatever would be given to me.  Joseph really built on the ideas and foundation I had, and with his guidance, I feel much stronger about my audition technique and approach.  

The series I'm auditioning for tomorrow is a comedic horror short film series.  So it should be quite interesting, and I'm really looking forward to it!


  1. Finally someone who sees the finale as I saw it! LOVED that show. LOVED it!! I miss seeing Dominic's face every week! SWOOOOOON! :) We can chat lost anytime, though it has been so long I should probably rewatch it!
    love ya girl!

  2. I think I want to watch it again more attention to the actions of characters and what's being said, because there's just so much foreshadowing.
    Thanks for reading and sharing :)
    Miss you!
