Monday, May 14, 2012

The Call-Back

I got the Call-Back!  I'm actually surprised I did but very excited since this is the first audition my Agent has sent me out on in months and I got called back in.  Hopefully, this will let them know I'm working hard and they'll try to get me out more often.
On Friday I went back Santa Monica for my Web Service Call-Back.  When I got there this time, the room was full of people, both men and women, and once again, I was the baby of the group.  There were even some guys who were at least 15 years older than me, and for a Dad, there's nothing wrong with that, but I wouldn't be able to play his wife, because I'd look more like his daughter.  My only hope would be that if they liked a younger guy I had a better chance to be booked!  I picked up a set of sides and started memorizing both parts, and about 15 minutes later I was told to just work on the second part.  So for another 20 minutes I sat memorizing and chatting with people in the room.  It was a friendly group, most of us discovering we were from the Midwest, and even another person from Wisconsin, and a friend of mine I haven't seen in a few years was auditioning for the husband role.  We said hello on his way out and gave me his card because he's a Manager at American Junkie in Hermosa, and perhaps I can get a job Bartending now that I know someone.  Darn you LA; it's always about who you know.  
After about 45 minutes I got called in and everyone in the audition room seemed to be in a good mood.  When I got to my mark I looked up and saw the cue card with the first set of lines on them.  What!?!  I was told to memorize only the second part!  But I didn't want them to see my nervousness so I stayed calm, smiled, and took my time.  After doing the lines through once, they asked me to do it again, making it more conversational, (Meggan had given me some advice before my audition, helping me think of what someone would say to me, to get me to say the lines back to them, to keep it natural) so I thought of that, and tried to be relate-able and show them my frustration, and how other people have similar issues.  I was hoping they would go into the second part so I could show them the positive side and how great a product they had, but after my second time through they said great.  Then the Casting Director asked me to give him a look that I know far more than my husband thinks he knows, so I gave a cute little smirk and he laughed.
When I left I felt a little disappointed in my performance.  I mean, if everyone is memorizing the second set of lines and they have them all perform the first, then everyone was thinking the same thing I was, and the only thing I can hope for is that I held it together better.  It would be a great way to keep everyone on the same level.  But I can't think that I didn't do a good job because if I'm the look they're going for, then they'll understand we're all nervous, and I just might not be right for the part, or look too much younger than the husband role they cast.  And once again it becomes a waiting game.  The commercial shoots tomorrow, so I know I didn't get it.  But as my Mom said to me, and sent me some awesome e-mails that week, if it's not this, then it's something else, and God has a better role planned out for me to get!
It seems as though my Workshops are helping me to stay calm under pressure and that's always beneficial to auditioning.  I'm still really glad that I was able to get my first call-back after a long lull with my Agency and hope to go out more consistently now!

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