Saturday, May 5, 2012

Just don't know what to do with myself...

Don't know just what to do with myself...

That's how I felt on Friday night when I didn't have to Host Karaoke for the first time in a month!  Go figure I would end up singing somewhere ;)

While I was out in Hollywood earlier this week for a Birthday Party I ran into an old friend of mine, who produced a demo for me and another girlfriend of mine that was going to be shopped to big record labels.  Plans fell through, but I ended up with 4 really well-produced, very original songs, and some studio recording experience.  He's still playing music and mentioned he was going to be at Red Rock in Hollywood performing on Friday and said he pulls up people to sing with his band and told me to come.  It sounded fun and interesting and since they only play covers, mostly 80's or new pop music, I thought it would be really different since I'm used to singing Karaoke, and there, I would have a live band behind me.

I haven't been to Red Rock in years and it ended up being pretty busy in there.  Neil came with me to support my live singing Hollywood debut, and I was glad he was there.  He does this all the time, so he was a great person to have around.  They were playing for a couple hours that night and told me I would be singing a whole song on my own, 'Separate Ways' by Journey, and I would be right before their set break.  In hindsight, I should have just looked at the lyrics before I went on-stage, but I saw my friend reading from a music stand so I figured I could glance there if I needed to.  When it came time to sing my song, I was a little nervous, as it was a pretty big crowd, and I wasn't in my normal setting; this was definitely out of my comfort zone.  The music started and I loosened up and just rocked out with the 2 man band!  I was so proud I hit all the high notes and it was a lot of fun, aside from me forgetting the first line of the 2nd verse (DOH)!  It's strange how when the words are in front of me at Karaoke I don't even rely on them, but when I don't have them, and there's a billion distractions going on around me, I forget a line.  I guess the lesson here is be prepared!  All in all a really great experience that I can hopefully do more often!
There were no words for me on that music stand!
After the show, Neil and I went over to Gabe's, because what Friday night would be complete without some Karaoke.  It was a 'Manic Monday' kind of night, and a good close to the evening.  It was definitely a creative day!

As for tonight, I'm relaxing after a very eventful day.  I frosted cupcakes, made appetizers, and spent time with good friends at Malibu Wines for my roommate's Birthday Celebration.  There was a wide array of food and goodies, plenty of wine to go around and lots of laughs.  But after spending a few hours in the sun drinking some vino it's amazing how knocked out you feel!  I declare a Movie Night :)

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