Monday, May 28, 2012

Metal & Karaoke

I just got back into LA on Monday Night so I was getting a 4 day week this week.  I knew I had a lot going on, being back in Wisconsin last week for 6 days and trying to play catch-up but the family time is always worth it!

On Friday Night, Neil and I headed up to Tarzana to check out his client's band, Superfix, play at Paladino's.  I had never been there but Neil has talked about it for a long time, saying a Pat Benatar cover band used to play on Friday's, and hopefully, we can catch that one of these times!  The show we were seeing was starting an hour later than we expected so we got to check out the band before, Superfix.  They had Gogo Dancers, played Metal music, and were really loud, so not my type of music but weren't too bad to listen to while enjoying a couple cocktails.

Superfix was on next and I was impressed how on schedule they stayed starting promptly at 10 pm!  They usually have a female singer but she was apparently replaced for this show with a dude who had long blonde hair.  I'm not going to lie, his entertaining capabilities were on, he was really excited to be there and worked his butt off, but once again, Metal music is really difficult for me to listen to because I like to hear the lyrics and when you scream them, it's just noise to me.  The sad part of the whole thing was that the music was awesome.  Neil's client, Eric was an incredible guitarist and I also thought the drummer was really good.  The songs were catchy; I just didn't like the vocals on the songs, but perhaps that would be better with the female singer.  I guess we'll just have to check them out a different time :)

On Saturday night I was Hosting Karaoke at Gabe's.  The night started off a little slow but picked up immediately and after our first rotation got 10 more people signed up to sing.  Because we were so busy I happily gave up my chance to sing so other people could.  Sometimes it's nice to take a break.  I opened the night with some Fleetwood Mac and was really feeling it and hoped the night would be a good one.  Khad and his sister, Jamie, came in and had a couple friends in tow, along with Sean and his girlfriend, Julie, and some of her girlfriend's from their Girl's Night earlier.  It ended up being a super busy night.  Personally, I think the best part of the night was the fact that I had a really good time through all the crazy and busy, and everyone was feeling that same vibe ;)  I wish we could have had another Double Entendre performance but we ran out of time and I had to close the show with a new song since I hadn't sang one all night so as a last minute decision, I sang 'Send Her My Love' by Journey.  I definitely wasn't prepared for the song and would like to sing it again after I've listened to it once or twice.  I also lowered the key by 2, so perhaps singing it in the normal key would be a better choice.  Overall, everyone was happy, tipsy, and enjoying the Memorial Day Weekend!

So here starts another week and once again it's a 4 day week...lots of craziness and lots of busy ahead so stay tuned!!

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