Saturday, March 3, 2012

Top of the Morning to Ya!

Yesterday ended up being a far busier day than I had expected.  I got up and went for my morning run and did a couple sets of stair.  Then I got a call from a good friend to stop by the bar he works at, (they need someone to pick up shifts) and was I interested?  Absolutely!  As I'm printing off my resume, the only thing that prints is my e-mail address...out of black ink!  I'm just lucky I didn't need to bring a resume, just wanted to be prepared, but I'm even luckier that didn't happen as I was getting ready for an audition!  That's why I always have a back up headshot and resume in my car.  I still printed a resume, and of course, printed it in purple ink.

So in I went to Irish Times, a bar I had visited in the past, and even took my Mom to, because my old boss from Saint's & Sinner's, has worked there for years.  I met the owner, who's this incredible Irish man, and so cool.  I love all his Irish sayings and upbeat attitude.  The reason I can say that is because he asked if I could train right then and there, and now, here I am today, at my first shift!  Granted, it's just before 2 pm, no one has come into the bar yet, but I heard it gets real busy in the afternoon, especially on a Friday.  I certainly don't mind because I'm able to get some work done as well.  So I've got a new job, just filling in, but at least it gives me something to do while I'm looking for something more permanent, and still gives me the option to audition whenever I need to.
Becky, Kristina, and I at Irish Times!
 *Side note*  At 2 pm, two gentlemen walked into the bar, and from that moment on, the bar got packed, and I was working my butt off for the next 5 hours!  (I'm just finishing up the blog now at 2 am.)  But that's just the way I like it, throw me into the lion's den on my first day, if I can't keep up, then I shouldn't be a bartender.  My sales and my tips, along with a very happy owner, proved I did a damn good job, and I was so happy to be behind a bar again, with an owner that actually appreciates his employee's!  I also got a nice surprise bouquet of flowers and candy from a secret admirer...oh la la.

Back to Thursday afternoon and I had to run some errands in between interviewing and training, so I picked up my ink cartridge at Target and then made my way to Prints Charm'n to check out my headshot proofs.  I got caught up talking to one of the owners, who was hilarious, and as I initialed the proofs to get them by next week, he actually asked me to write one out to him and sign it so he could put it on the wall.  It's really not that big of a deal, but it was such a nice compliment, and it was a really great feel good moment :)

Then on Thursday night I had a fun reunion with one of my favorite's, Andrea, as our friend, Craig, was in town from New York.  He had a party at this Sushi Restaurant in Hollywood, with an open bar, and free sushi served all night long.  The presentation was absolutely gorgeous, the food was excellent, and they brought a platter that was about 4 feet by 2 feet that was loaded with all sorts of sushi rolls, sashimi, and fish; it was insane!  Even the DJ was awesome; so the girls and I had a little dance party of our own.  It's so nice to be out with good friends in Hollywood, without doing the club thing, because you can actually have a conversation with someone and catch up.  Don't get me wrong, every once in a while, going out dancing your butt off, screaming at the top of your lungs to talk to your best friend, and spending an hour to get ready, can be fun, but Thursday Night's Reunion was perfection!
Wolf Dog Reunion
That's a day I could get used to...but for now, Good Night, Moon!

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