Friday, March 16, 2012

Reunions, Rehearsal & Running

This week has been so busy and creative for me!  I started last weekend off by performing a couple songs with Neil at Universal Bar & Grill, rehearsing a Shakespeare piece all weekend and auditioning with it on Monday and attending a Movie Screening that night.  The week continued with Karaoke and rehearsal for my Casting Workshop on Saturday.  The life of an actress and entertainer, and I wouldn't change one bit of it!

Yesterday afternoon, Neil invited me to see a Press Screening of 'American Reunion.'  'American Pie' came out over 10 years ago, and they continued with sequels, and now 13 years later, have a Reunion.  Dale and a couple of his friends were at the screening because one of them was in the movie, so we all sat together, yay!  It's crazy to see how much these actors have grown throughout the years; some still look almost exactly the same and others have completely changed.  I have to say I really love Alyson Hannigan, ever since I started watching her on 'How I Met Your Mother,' she's just fantastic!  I thought Chris Klein looked awesome, he must have gotten in crazy shape, because he looks great.  Even Tara Reid looked really pretty and put together and I loved her style throughout the movie.  Overall, I laughed out loud a couple times, there was some gross humor, but also some great moments for each actor, so it was nice to see some range from them, rather than just comedy the whole movie.  

After the screening Neil came over to help me rehearse for my Workshop.  We had rehearsed on Tuesday, but last night was much more in depth.  We really got into my character and gave her some different intentions.  I love doing Meisner, so Neil had me do a couple different techniques and it just brought me in Carrie to life. There's so many different ways I can play the role, completely comedic, angry, flirty, and I think we found the perfect blend of everything to keep her interesting.  Now I just have to hope that the Casting Director thinks so!  I'm a firm believer in making sure you don't over-rehearse, but since we've been changing the style of it, it doesn't feel boring or over-done, it feels like we're perfecting it.  Aside from going over my lines for the next day, I feel very prepared for the best I can be on Saturday.

Today I had an Audition for a Sporting Company Commercial.  Of course, I found this out after eating 3 pieces of roast beef and mushroom ravioli.  Normally, I would have made sure to stay away from salt and anything heavy or fatty.  Oh well, at least it gave me something to burn off!  The audition was in a park in Hollywood, because we were told to be dressed as a serious runner, short shorts, midriff top, serious tennis shoes, with whatever gear we use when we run.  This morning when I got up, it was completely overcast and grey outside; I was actually worried they were going to cancel the audition, so needless to say, running around in Summer clothes in 55 degree dark weather, was definitely chilly!  I wasn't necessarily looking forward to it, but I had to follow the instructions, which is why when I got to the audition and saw 3 girls already there, in long shorts and full tank tops, I had to wonder if they read the instructions and just didn't care, or weren't paying attention at all?  Once I filled out my paperwork, I stretched for a little bit, and then it was my turn, all alone.  I slated and told them about my running and athletic experience, and then I ran a couple laps around the park, that were all filmed.  I couldn't help but smiling as I was running (which is probably also the cheerleader in me, smile through it all) and in less than 5 minutes we were done.  Short and painless.  And I didn't even notice the cold!!

It's going to be a weekend of madness ahead of me, but I can't wait!  

To see my previously mentioned performance with Neil, here's a video of 'Living On A Prayer' from last Friday Night's Show at Universal Bar & Grill!  Enjoy :)

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