Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I dread few things. This is one of them...

I've been wanting to write a blog about the Dentist for a long time now.  I'm pretty sure no one really enjoys going to the Dentist, although, when I was little, I loved the fluoride thing so much I used to try to suck it all up because it tasted so good...fast forward a few years, and all of a sudden, the smell of the office would make me sick, and I stopped those fluoride treatments a couple years early because the smell alone would make me gag.

Since I moved to LA, I knew at some point I was going to need to find a Dentist out here and I was not looking forward to it.  Lucky me, I found a provider that worked with my insurance in Marina Del Rey with a beautiful office and good reviews.  Of course, when I went to the actual office, it was tiny and didn't look like anything on the website and after a year of going there, they closed that office, and are now working out of one of those bad looking buildings that say 'Dentist' on the front.  At the end of the day, the office is 4 blocks form my apartment, clean and the people are fairly nice, so I'm not going to complain.

Until now...every time I go, I get the same hygienist, and while he's very nice, and is constantly asking if I'm ok, it is downright painful and annoying.  I always take some Tylenol before I go to alleviate some of the pain but it doesn't really help.  I go twice a year and every time I go, he tells me I need a deep cleaning, (which insurance doesn't cover and is a huge charge, and more than likely a scam) because I've never heard that in all my 28 years until I started going to this Dentist just 3 years ago.  I understand as we get older our bodies change but I'm so much more aware of my dental hygiene now than I've ever been.  I actually floss multiple times a week, maybe not every day, but at least every other or more and I love brushing my teeth so I could do that more than 4 times a day on some days!  If my teeth need a deep cleaning with all the care I take with them, what do normal people do?!?

The worst part is when he's cleaning my teeth with that stupid little poking device that has a sharp point to it and says, 'wow, you really need to floss better because your gums are bleeding.'  Well, duh!  You're poking me with a sharp object, why don't I poke you with that thing and see what happens!  

Today's visit actually got worse when after my initial cleaning and relief that it was almost over, time for the toothpaste cleaning and I would be out, I was deeply mistaken.  He then came back with this water pick thing and started going at it on my teeth again.  I sat there ankles crossed, hands clasped, digging my nails into the palms of my hands, closing my eyes at points, quoting "Titantic" 'it'll all be over soon!'  Finally, 45 minutes later I was out of the chair and making my next deathly appointment.

At this point, I think I'm going to find a Dentist in Beverly Hills...it can't hurt...or can it?

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