Monday, June 18, 2012

My Dentist Update & Yoga

On Friday I had to go back to the Dentist to take some X-rays to see if I had a cavity that the hygienist noticed.  I went back to the X-ray room and Victor got me started as we chatted about him teaching his son to drive, hockey and acting.  After my X-rays the Dentist came in and at first glance said, yes, I had a small cavity.  He suggested we take care of it that day and get it done right away.  This was my first cavity in over 15 years so I was already nervous and the more I thought about it, the more upset and disappointed I became.  I'm always brushing my teeth and flossing; how could this happen?  Was it going to hurt?  

I remember the last cavity I had years ago and how painful it was, including the shot and drilling and the after-math.  Next thing ya know, I'm in tears in the chair my German Dentist is apologizing for making jokes.  I told him it wasn't him, I was just being a girl and let's go through with this filling right then and there.  That didn't stop me from asking Victor to hold my hand for the shot (which I did feel) and had them turn the music up really loud so it would drown out the sound of the drilling.  As 'Unchained Melody' came on over the radio and I'm realizing 'time really does go by so slowly' my Dentist was actually singing along to the song, and Victor who was assisting said, 'Can you hurry up, already!'  It made me smile to know that he was concerned about me.  It turned out the cavity was far worse than they expected and I'm thinking my Sour Patch Kids are probably to blame.  That won't stop me from eating them but it has forced me to be more aware of my teeth brushing and making sure to get all the way in the back shortly after I eat them.

Overall, the whole cavity experience wasn't that bad, and much better than years ago since they have numbing stuff that goes on before the shot, and it's a much quicker process.  My mouth was sensitive and sore for the next 24 hours but this was just a lesson to make sure I'm really taking care of my teeth so I won't have another cavity for the next 15 or more years!

Onto my Yoga class, I've been talking about Jo from Yogaglo for months now.  She's by far my favorite teacher there and while she's been out of the country for the past couple of months I've been forced to take a different teacher because I really do enjoy going and I've seen a change in my patience, mind control, and body.  I feel like a stronger person inside and out.  The past few weeks I've been taking classes with Sean.  Her class is definitely more challenging than Jo's as about 20 minutes into class I'm dripping with sweat and looking at the clock going, '40 more minutes?!?'

Today the class was 90 minutes and I thought I was up for the challenge.  Once again, 20 minutes in, and I was already wondering why on earth I was putting myself through this.  Her normal class is a Level 2/3 and today's was a Level 3.  There were tons of balancing poses which I was proud that I was even attempting and succeeding at a few.  There were also extended holding of plank and low plank (where you're just a couple inches off the ground at the bottom of a push-up) and doing that back and forth 3 times before going through a Vinyasa.  Everyone in class was letting out sighs of relief at the end and we went through that at least 8 times.  I think one of the more difficult things was doing Warrior 1 for an extended period of time and holding the pose for a minute, flowing through a Vinyasa and doing it on the other side, and then back to the first side, and doing that through another time, and then yet again for the 3rd time, eventually closing our eyes in the pose.  I thought my legs would be tired but it was actually my arms giving up on me trying to hold them up for a minute at a time all after the planks and push-ups.  

The last part of class for about 20 minutes we stretched and I'm hoping that will prevent the soreness that I fear might be coming since my legs feel a little bit like jello.  It's definitely a great challenge to take her class but I love my class with Jo and look forward to her return next week!

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