Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Valley Girl at Karaoke

I had a busy day on Friday starting off with an Audition near Palos Verdes that morning.  It's so gorgeous down there!  When my Mom was in town visiting last August we went to the Botanical Gardens which were incredibly beautiful and the Wayfarer's Chapel where the view was excellent!

My Audition was for a Fox Promo involving an App.  I was playing a New York Blogger, similar to Gossip Girl and I was told to wear Yoga Pants with a Fashionable top.  When I got to the Suite I found out it was for a Church :)  D* answered the door and gave me the sides which I read over for a few minutes before heading inside to do my Audition.  D* asked me to tell him a little bit about myself, so I said I was from Wisconsin and had been living in LA for 6 years.  I asked where he was from and he said Ohio, so we talked about playing Fantasy Football, College Football, and who our teams were.  We both agreed that we miss the Midwest and the people back home are great!

After about 15 minutes we got into the actual performance.  I slated, did profiles, and then explained what kind of App I would want (because on top of getting paid for the job, this company was designing an App for the Talent as well).  I'm sure there's one of these out there, but my App would calculate calories burned, with the time of the work-out, and keep track of all these details so I could compare at the end of the week, month, etc.  Then I went into my sides.  It was a short 30 second snippet where I had to play a flighty girl who realizes the App helps her out by keeping everything organized because she's so dis-organized.  D* told me to lose my IQ, play a little ditzy, and do it again.  So I did it again, playing dumb this time, but keeping it light and conversational.  D* said that was better, but to take it all the way, commenting that my line about 'forgetting where I put my car keys' was spot on, and to keep that vibe throughout the whole scene.  So I did it again, playing Valley Girl almost, very unfocused, and then honing it in at the end and he said it was great.  We both had a little laugh before I left, after I asked if I could show him anything else, and then I was on my way home!

On Friday night I was Hosting Karaoke at Gabe's, and actually thought it was going to be kind of quiet because of Debbie's Party last week, but it ended up being almost as busy.  There were a lot less people in the bar, but everyone that was there, was singing.  We had a fun group of girls keeping everyone involved singing songs by Def Leppard and The Eagles.  We had a bunch of regulars singing but for the most part, I was hanging by myself, which was ok.  My new song of the night was The Eurythmic's 'Here Comes the Rain Again' which actually was perfect for my voice, and I was able to change it up, harmonize at certain parts and make it my own.  My only disappointment about the song was that it was kind of repetitive; it could have ended a minute earlier and no one would have known any different.  I also sang 'If I Could Turn Back Time' which the crowd loved!  There were a couple of really excellent singers that sang hard rock/metal songs that sounded just like the original artist, being AC/DC and Ozzy.  Overall, it was a very supportive crowd night and everyone had a lot of energy which always keeps it exciting :)

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