Monday, February 27, 2012

The Electrifying Bionic Showgirl

The Academy Awards were on last night, and while we had a fun little get together with friends, the show wasn't that exciting this year.  I have a theory that the Awards Show is good every other year.  I was super into them last year with movies like 'Black Swan,' 'The Social Network,'  and 'The Fighter.'  I saw almost all the movies in 2009 as well, like 'Slumdog Millionaire,' 'Milk,' and 'Doubt.'  Don't get me wrong, there were some great nominations this year, but compared to last years Oscar Party hosted by my friends, Dale & Thi, nothing was going to compare to the fun and excitement of that!

I had a Commercial Audition today in West Hollywood for the Broadway Show 'Follies' which is coming to the Ahmanson Theatre here in Los Angeles.  I got there right on time, signed in, and in a couple minutes, a girl looking very much like Marilyn Monroe walked out and said good luck.  Apparently, they had my headshot on file, which is why they called me in, and B* recognized me right away.  Awesome :)  I wasn't even sure what role I was auditioning for, and the only information they gave me prior was to wear form-fitting clothes that I could do a little choreography in.  When I got into the room they showed me was a 2 second clip of a show girl moving across the stage.  M* & B* told me do some dance steps, and to move elegantly and gracefully.  No problem!  I slated and then did a couple dance moves, turns, and smiled, and the audition was over in 30 seconds.  Before I left they commented on me being Lindsay Wagner the 'Bionic Woman,' we had a nice laugh over it, and then I told them that my brother is also Robert Wagner.  Hopefully, I made a strong and personable impression on them!

My usual Yoga Class on Monday evenings has been postponed for another couple weeks, as I found out tonight, Jo is in Australia.  I tried a new class tonight, and the duo of Noah and Christina kicked my butt.  It was a level one class, but they said, technically two with attitude.  Yes it was!  I felt like every 15 minute increment was another half hour!  I gave myself props because I held up well, but it was so different from my usual class, I just wasn't used to it.  I'm really looking forward to Jo being back in late March.

Earlier in the day I received a phone call to confirm my availability on Friday for the '1000 Ways to Die' shoot, and then just 2 hours later got another call saying the show was being put on hiatus.  They said when they start shooting again, they will definitely call me back in to film, but I'm just hoping the show isn't permanently cancelled.  What a bummer!  But then this morning while I was getting ready for my audition, I was curling my hair, and all of a sudden felt a jolt through my wrist that went up my arm.  I didn't want to assume the worst and kept curling my hair, when literally, on my last section, I started to unwind it, and POP, sparks fly, and another jolt.  Pretty sure I was electrocuted...ok, shocked, for those less dramatic...twice!  Thank goodness I didn't start myself or anything else on fire!  So that was the end of my curling iron, but it got me to thinking about the quote, lightning never strikes twice in the same place...perhaps I'm on God's good graces today and I have some luck coming my way :)  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

*Side note:  I spoke to a Conair Representative about the Curling Iron who said because I was no longer under the 2 year warranty, that there wasn't much he could do, but he would send the claim to the Warranty Department and hopefully they could help, super nice guy, and I appreciated his help.  After the conversation I just had with a Supervisor, Doug, in the Warranty Dept, I wish they had never called me to 'help'.  They said they would send me a new Curling Iron but I would have to pay for the Shipping of my old Curling Iron, and also write a check to pay for the Shipping of the new one to me.  That may only be $10, but with all that hassle, it would be easier to just go to Target and get the same model for $17.  OR buy a different brand because it concerns me that a product that actually shocked someone, and had sparks fly off of it, would be the consumer's fault.  I guess I'm lucky it didn't start a fire or injure me, because who knows how they would have tried to 'fix' it.  Like I said, I would have rather never heard anything back than be insulted and disappointed by their lack of customer service.  I don't think I'll be buying any Conair products in the future.

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