Wednesday, January 1, 2014

December Karaoke

A couple weeks before Christmas everyone is prepping for the holiday's: Shopping for gifts, baking cookies, decorating tree's and houses, and celebrating with friends and family.  LA is an ever-busy city and I always look forward to the holiday season when I'm hosting karaoke at Gabe's.  It means that there's at least one themed-holiday music night for everyone to enjoy.

Since I'm catching up on two weeks, half-way through December started off with a song I haven't sang for a while, Stevie Wonder's, 'I Just Called To Say I Love You,' and then I did 'One And Only' by Adele since I was more prepared this week than the previous and what a beautiful song to sing.  My new song of the night was 'Everytime' by Britney Spears and then I switched over to some Alanis Morissette, 'Head Over Feet,' before singing 'These Boots Are Made For Walking' which was another song I hadn't sang in a while.  McCracken and I sang 'Another Day' and this was our first time singing it together.  I closed out the night with Dolly Parton's 'Jolene.'

The week before I left for Christmas was our holiday-themed karaoke night and a lot of people got into the festivities and sang some Christmas tunes.  I opened with one of my favorites, 'Rocking Around The Christmas Tree' and then did a bunch of new songs throughout the night.  One was 'Winter Wonderland' and another was a duet, 'Baby It's Cold Outside' although it was a different version than the Dean Martin one but was still a great song to sing.  Since Rent revolves around Christmas time in New York there were more duets during the evening including 'Light My Candle' and 'Another Day.'  McCracken, Neil, and I all tried a new song and did a little Alvin & The Chimpmunks singing 'The Chipmunk Song' which was super cute and I gave Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' a whirl.  It went far better than expected thanks to lowering the key!  I closed out with 'Mary Did You Know' because it's one of my Mom's favorite Christmas songs :)
Alvin, Theodore, and Simon...The Chipmunks!
It was a really fun way to get into the holiday spirit and I loved that so many people got involved.  It always proves that themed-nights bring more participation from the audience and patrons of the bar and that's what I try to do when I'm hosting karaoke at Gabe's!

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